Aminet Hunter   Brought to you by AmigaSoc UK
Technology from IMM Studios Ltd

F u t u r e

The near future
Results as HTML E-Mail, and hotlinked plain text E-Mail.
Sort results page by cliking column headings.
Display the exact date of file upload on results page.
The not-so-near future
A personalised preferences system. This will require you to enable cookies on your browser.
Support for multiple languages.
Compressed results file download using Lha. For the same reasons as Aminet itself, we can't implement LZX compression until there's a UNIX version available!
A long way in to the future
Smart caching and asynchronous I/O to dramatically reduce the load times of multi-page searches.
Local client version a la ADT.

Naturally, if you have any suggestions of your own, use our feedback form to pass them on.